3 No-Equipment-Needed At-Home Workouts


If you’re stuck at home, you may find yourself scrambling to find at-home workouts to do to stay fit and healthy until you get back to your normal workout routine.

If you think you need to go out and buy a ton of equipment for a make-shift home gym, don’t worry. A good home workout doesn’t require hundreds of equipment options. It’s easy to get in an effective, sweat-inducing, full-body workout right from the comfort of your own home with only your bodyweight. From cardio to strength training, there’s something for everybody to do at home.

Times are tough, but now is not the time to scrap your workout. Even a short 20-minute sweat session will lift your mood. Stay strong and stay well, friends!

Simple Lower Body and Core Circuit 

Do 10 slow and controlled reps for each exercise unless time is indicated. Repeat the circuit two to three times.

Standing tall, take a big step forward with your right foot landing on the heel, lowering your hips toward the floor by bending both knees to 90-degree angles. The back knee should point toward, but does not touch, the ground and the front knee should be directly over the ankle. Press your right heel firmly into the ground as you raise back up, engaging the glutes and returning to your starting position. Repeat with the left leg.

Lateral Lunge
Same directions as a forward lunge except you lunge to the side.

Single Leg Squat
Stand on your left leg, raising right knee to a 90-degree angle. Slowly bend at the knee of the left leg, lowering your butt down as if you are going to sit in a chair, keeping right leg off the ground. Squat down as low as you can before returning to starting position. Do 10 reps before switching to other side.

Single Leg Deadlift 
Start in a standing position with the feet together. Lift the right leg slightly, lower the arms and torso while raising the right leg behind the body. Keep the left knee slightly bent and reach the arms as close to the floor as possible. Raise the torso while lowering the right leg. Do 10 reps before switching legs.

Plank (60 seconds)
Start on the floor on your hands and knees. Lower your forearms to the floor with elbows positioned under your shoulders and your hands shoulder-width apart. Step your feet back, one at a time. Maintain a straight line from heels through the top of your head, looking down at the floor, with gaze slightly in front of your face. Hold this position while keeping abs tight.

Side Plank (30 secs/side)
Start by lying on your side. Bend arm at a 90-degree angle with forearm on the floor. Tighten abs and lift hips off the floor until only forearm and bottom foot touch the floor. Remember to keep your body in alignment.

Bodyweight Tabata

Before you begin the Tabata, warm up the body for 10 to 15 minutes with easy movement such as walking. Once warmed up, do each exercise for 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds. Do four rounds of each superset and then repeat entire circuit a total of two times. After the workout, do 5 to 10 minutes of stretching to cool down.

Superset No. 1
Mountain Climber: Starting on your hands and knees, bring the left foot forward directly under the chest while straightening the right leg. Keeping the hands on the ground and core tight, jump and switch legs. The left leg should now be extended behind the body with the right knee forward.

Rolling Plank: Start in plank position, forearms on the ground and legs extended behind you. Rotate your torso to the left side, rolling onto your left forearm and stacking your right foot on top of your left in a left side plank. Hold for 2 to 3 seconds, then return to start; hold for one second, then repeat on the right side.

Superset No. 2
Walking Lunges: Standing tall, take a big step forward with your right foot landing on the heel, lowering your hips toward the floor by bending both knees to 90-degree angles. The back knee should point toward, but does not touch the ground, front knee should be over the ankle.

Press your right heel firmly into the ground as you raise back up, engaging the glutes, and push off with your left foot to bring your left leg forward, stepping into a lunge on the other side.

Elbow to Knee Push Up: Start in push up position. Take your right knee towards right elbow while lowering your chest toward the ground. Return to starting position and repeat with left knee to elbow and lowering chest toward ground.

Read more at: https://www.active.com/fitness/articles/3-no-equipment-needed-at-home-workouts?cmp=18N-DP165-BND10-SD100-DM10-contentblock1

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