Although Risky and Unproven, Athletes Are Using CBD Oil to Kill Pain


Getting hurt is a part of being an athlete. In fact, professional athletes belong to the top five occupations that experience more than a thousand injures for every 10,000 workers. They have to deal with concussions, back pain, hamstring pulls, and torn muscles on almost a regular basis.

If you’re in the middle of a competition or you’re preparing for one, you can’t just let those things stop you from delivering your best. So, you turn to pain medications.

While effective, these medications aren’t always the best options, particularly if you’re thinking of a long-term solution. Long time use of pain relievers can cause stomach pain, nausea, ulcers, kidney problems, and high blood pressure.

Plus, there’s the concern for dependency and addiction.

As an athlete, these health issues can’t get in the way of your success. They can cause more problems not just physically but emotionally and psychologically as well.

This is why a lot of athletes are turning to CBD oil.

What Is CBD?

CBD is the extract of the cannabis plant which is technically derived from hemp. It has really low concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC which makes it less likely to produce the same “high” you can get from marijuana.

CBD, however, has a potent pain-relieving property. It works by regulating the body’s endocannabinoid system without restricting the other responses in the body.

Apart from limiting your perception of pain within your brain, it can also reduce the inflammation in your targeted areas, like your lower back, neck and hamstring muscles.

For a list of the best CBD oils on the market as well as other helpful CBD content, check out

The Risks of Using CBD Oil

While more and more people can attest to the effects of CBD oil, doctors prescribing it to athletes are still operating in the gray area when it comes to legality. There are just so many uncertainties when it comes to the laws concerning it.

Plus, there’s also the risk of failing drug tests. 

You see, CBD oil and other CBD products aren’t regulated by the government. There are no strict rules when it comes to their quality and purity.

Companies and retailers may sell low-quality CBD products without you knowing anything about it. Some of them may even sell CBD products that aren’t pure or don’t meet the legal requirements of 0.3% THC or less.

Final Thoughts

A lot of athletes are turning to CBD oil for pain relief and if you are thinking of doing the same thing, make sure you do your research first. There are tons of resources online, like CBDForSure that can help you get started.

There’s no conclusive study about the effects of CBD oil in pain management, but there’s an increasing number of athletes who prefer using it over traditional pain medications.

Before buying your first CBD oil, check if it’s completely legal in your state. You should also verify if it has been tested by a third-party lab and that it’s free from pesticides, residual solvents, and harmful chemicals.

Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor about it, too. As healthcare professionals, they are the best people who can guide you in the proper use of CBD oil and CBD products.

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