E-Bikes VS Traditional Bikes – Which do you need?


With technology making a new breakthrough every other month of our lives with smartphones, electric cars, and even smart refrigerators, it was only a matter of time before e-bikes, or electric bikes, entered the public sphere.

Having already created a scene in Asia, their move to the US has been somewhat of a recent occurrence, but they’re quickly growing in popularity. Should you join the trend, or stick with a traditional bike?

What are E-bikes?
An e-bike uses an electric motor and rechargeable batteries to go faster and farther than a traditional bike that relies on pedal power.

Despite their newfound popularity, electric bikes are nothing new at all. They have been around since the late 1800’s, with large batteries strapped to bike frames, sluggishly rolling along. Since then, they have gone through a huge developmental era with the help of the lithium-ion battery making their modern motor-accessory hardly noticeable when riding.

Effortless Convenience
If you’re the kind of person that looks to technology for convenience, then an electric bike might be your thing.

Most e-bikes use a pedal-assist system. Once you start to pedal, the motor that is attached to the bike turns on and augments your pedaling effort. You can change how much power the motor uses depending on how much work you want to actually do. Other bikes might be activated by a throttle and operate similarly to a motorcycle, eliminating the need for pedaling altogether.

If you want to use your bike for exercise, a traditional bike will make you work harder. But if you want a bike for commuting or hiking, an e-bike will let you travel much farther.

Time is Money
If you’re a casual commuter and biking is how you get around, an e-bike can help you do so a lot faster, saving time in the long run. With the motor attached, some bikes can pick up speeds up to 15 miles per hour!

Traveling Far and Wide
Pedaling to your favorite park 10 miles away used to be an event, but with an e-bike, it’s easier to make these kinds of long trips more often. And if you want to bike to work or to a friend’s house, you won’t show up nearly as sweaty as you would be if you had pedaled a traditional bike the whole way over.

Carefree Carrying
Every commuter’s hassle is packing his or her belongings in the most convenient manner without bearing the burden of too much weight. With an electric bike, the extra weight won’t be something to consider if you’re not the one pedaling along. So go ahead, bring an extra water bottle, bring ten if you want!

Nothing Can Hold You Back
If you’re getting to an age where you want to have the luxury of feeling the wind in your hair while biking but aren’t able to ride like you used to, then an e-bike is the perfect way to settle for the best. No matter your age, riding electrically will only make things easier. So when all the kids want to go mountain biking on a hard trail, there’s no reason why you can’t join too!

Latest and Greatest
For those of us who enjoy acquiring the latest technology on the street, then the e-bike is a must have! As this is only its introduction to the world of biking, make your way to the front of the line now as it will only get better from here.

Not only are they the new go-to for bikers, but are becoming part of the eco-friendly agenda as people are ditching their cars for bikes. Sooner than we know it, e-bikes will be the future.

 Choosing the Best Bike for You
When it comes to e-bikes vs traditional bikes, there is no wrong or right answer. For e-bike lovers, the convenience and ease of use are well worth it. But if you want a harder workout or just flat out enjoy traditional pedaling, a regular bike might be your go-to.

What both have to offer is the plain simplicity of riding around on two wheels; one just lets you do it a little easier. The choice is yours!

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