Christians, Renner Win Super Bowl 5K


Despite freezing temperatures, over 700 runners and walkers took part in the Super Bowl 5K this past Sunday at Wash Park in Denver. Hosted by BKB, Ltd. and HAL Sports, the event is the third in the RunDenver Series. Participants were treated to a fun big game warm-up with a speedy 5K, kids fun run, crazy fan costume contest, compression socks, finisher’s medal, games, food, drinks and more.

2017 men’s winner Luc Christians successfully defended his title, crossing the line first in 18:11. Brian Glotzbach finished a close second in 18:16, followed by third place finisher Matthew Collegeman, who crossed the line in 19:15

Women’s 5K winner Emily Renner also finished fourth overall in 19:47. Finishing second was Stephanie Milici in 20:09, with Kerry Hutcheson rounding out the top three in 20:32.

The next event in the RunDenver Series is the Valentine’s Day 4 Mile this upcoming weekend at Wash Park in Denver, followed by That Dam Run 13.1 and 5K on March 4th.

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