The Single Parents’ Guide to Exercise: Getting Fit the Smart Way


Finding the time to exercise can be difficult even for someone who doesn’t have children, but when you’re a single parent, it can seem nearly impossible. There’s always so much to do and plan for, and it can be hard to try to fit it all in without adding stress to your already overloaded day.

There’s also the money factor since many people equate a good workout with a costly gym membership. However, there are many ways you can get in daily exercise without breaking the bank and still spend time with your kids. All it takes is a little planning and a willingness to think outside the box.

Want to learn how? Keep reading for some of the best tips on staying active and healthy even when you’re a single parent.

Do some research

You don’t have to join an expensive gym in order to get a good workout, but there may be some places in your area that offer services you can take advantage of, such as the local YMCA or public pool. Swimming is a great workout for the entire body, and because it’s also fun, you might just stay motivated to keep going. Look online for some of the best places in town to hit the pool or head to the local park for a game of basketball with a few friends. Incorporating activities you already enjoy will help you stay on track, and the bonus is that these may be activities you can do with the kids as well. Not only will this allow you to fit in a workout, you can spend time with your little ones at the same time. Read on here for more tips on including the kids in your workout.

Divide up your time

While 30-60 minutes of workout time per day is ideal, you don’t have to do it all at once. Being a single parent often means you have a full schedule, so trying to tie in exercise can be a pain. Rather than spending a half hour running, divide the workout into 15-minute increments that are more manageable for your busy day. Go for a brisk walk during your lunch break or do some cleaning after dinner and kill two birds with one stone.

Let your pet motivate you

Dogs can be great motivators when it comes time to get outside, so let yours help you stay focused with your daily workouts. Running or walking at a good pace every day will keep you fit and healthy, so take your pup to the park or go for a long stroll after dinner. You can bring your kids along, as well, or pack the baby into a stroller. For some great tips on involving your dog with your exercise routine, check out this article.

Make time

There may be certain times of the year when finding time to workout is extra difficult, including the holidays or during a particularly busy period at work. It’s important to remind yourself that you’re on a great track and stay focused, which means you might have to make the time and carve it out of your schedule. For instance, set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual and walk the dog before your busy day begins, or head out to the backyard with the kids after dinner for a game of kickball. Need more tips on how to make workout time? Read this helpful guide over at Greatist.

Being a single parent is a big job, so it’s important to practice self-care and cater to your own needs. Once you associate your health and fitness with self-care, it will be easier for you to stay on track.

Article by Alexis Hall. 

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