Parks, Curwood Win Runnin’ of the Green 7K


The 29th Annual Runnin’ of the Green 7K kicked off in downtown Denver, welcoming over 2,000 runners, walkers and spectators to celebrate the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day holiday.  Temperatures were chilly to start, but with the wind remaining at bay and the sun eventually making an appearance later in the morning, it was a perfect morning for the event.

The 7K race starts on 17th Street between Blake and Wazee, and winds its way towards the Highlands and back before finishing on Wazee between 19th and 20th Streets.  While the race only gains a little over 100′, it is considered a “hilly” and challenging course, but continues to attract some of Colorado’s finest.

The post-race celebration – voted best post-race party among running races – took place on Wazee between 17th and 20th, and featured live Irish music, corned beef and bagels from Shamrock Foods, Reed Irish Dancers, Colorado Youth Pipe Band, and Killian’s Beer from Coors.

The men’s 7K saw 39-year old Jeremy Parks take top honors in 22:21, with 35-year old Jordan Jones coming in second for the second year in a row in 22:47 (Jones finished 2nd in 2016 in 22:20).  Rounding out the top three was Brian Folts of Golden in 23:36.

The women’s race was close, with the top three finishers crossing the line within 20 seconds of one another.  Boulder’s Krystalanne Curwood retained her 2016 title, coming in first in 24:47.  Second place belonged to 20-year old Lindsey Koch in 24:59, with Denver’s Meghan Curran crossing the line in third in 25:04.

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