Exclusive Athlete Interview: Megan Kimmel


Colorado native Megan Kimmel has been dominating the trail running scene for years.  Her accolades include big race wins such as Run the Rut 28K this past September, the North Face 50 Mile Championship in December, the 2015 Flagstaff Sky Race 39K (where she was also third overall), and a second place finish in the highly competitive international 2015 Skyrunner World Series.  A “Jill of all trades” in the mountain, ultra and trail community, Megan has, and continues to excel in various disciplines.

A Coloradan at heart, Megan credits part of her success to the state’s varying terrain, open land and abundant sunshine.  Read on to find out how she manages a sometimes stressful and ever-changing daily life while continuing to pursue some of the most challenging races in the world.

Quick Stats

Name: Megan Kimmel

Age: 36

Hometown & Current: Hometown: Denver, CO  Current: Ridgeway, CO

Professional & Educational background:  Fort Lewis College then Certified Massage Therapist

Sports participated in: Trail Running 

Years in current sport: Participating: 16 years, Racing: 9 years

Racing Team: Team Colorado

Sponsors/Affiliations: ASICS, Ultimate Direction

The Long Run

What are some of the biggest highlights in your racing career?

Making my first USA Mountain Running Team was my first highlight because it opened the door to opportunities I didn’t know existed.  Winning the Pikes Peak Ascent in 2009 was another highlight because it legitimized my training and pursuit of racing at the elite level.  After that, winning 6 straight La Sportiva Mountain Cups because it was through a very busy/stressful time of my life. My 2015 Sky Series was a highlight because I did well on the international level which is where I have always wanted to compete. And most recently, winning The North Face 50 Mile Championships in 2015 as it completed a goal of being able to go top tier in many different distances and disciplines in the MUT (Mountain, Ultra, Trail) realm. 

What are your long-term goals?  What do you want to achieve as an athlete?

My long term goals have always been to be accomplished in all distances and on a variety of terrain.  For me, that is what training is all about. 

Why Colorado?

I was fortunate to be born and raised in Colorado which is known to be one of the best places in the world for endurance athletes because of the altitude and, I think, the huge variety of terrain. 

Many things makes Colorado special for me, basically having been born here it is still where almost all of my family and friends live.  Beyond that though, Colorado is a special place in general because it has so much open land to explore in a friendly way (friendly meaning easy to navigate and move through, few large predators or biting reptiles/bugs, low humidity, lots of sunshine). 

Middle Distance

Take us through a “day in the life,” what type of training regimen do you follow?

I still strive for a better training regimen but to sum it up my training varies greatly as I have lived a life of a lot of change within this 9 year time frame which has dictated most of my training style.   Sometimes I adhere to a training/running program but mostly I wing it especially during the racing season which seems to draw out to be about 8 months of the year these days.  The far majority of my training year for these 9 years has been solely cardio. 

What are one or two things you currently do in your training that are keys to your success?

I drink coffee!

Do you follow any specific nutrition plans?

I used to be more specific about my diet and it is one of the biggest challenges for me with a training and racing schedule that involves a lot of travel. Because this is the kind of athlete I am right now I have a very broad nutrition plan meaning I am an opportunivore that keeps moderation in mind. 

I do try to have a recovery drink after all workouts and I do normally follow that by a meal within the hour after exercise. 

Specifically I like Hammer products/recovery drinks.  As for post-workout food, it tends to be my biggest meal of the day, therefore I switch it up all of the time. 

Do you have any recommended resources to share?

I really like The Feed Zone Cookbook, because it has great recipes.  I think there are a lot of good books out there. 

What is your biggest challenge?

Stress was my biggest challenge for a very long time. Now my biggest challenge is a constantly changing life.  For both of these things, I do what I can to change the factors while accepting that things take time.

What are your favorite races in Colorado?

The Golden Leaf in Aspen/Snowmass has been my favorite for a very long time.  It is such a nice time of year (Autumn with the changing leaves) and the course is almost all undulating single-track.

Where do you like to train in Colorado?

The San Juan mountains is where I live and it’s also my favorite place to train because there is so much to explore and the terrain is the most varied in Colorado.  Though the Aspen area is set up so well and has so much runnable terrain that I have often lived in that area and thought it ideal for training.


Favorite running shoe: ASICS Fuji Lyte (the old Fuji Racer)

Favorite post-run/race beverage: Hammer Recoverite or in the summertime all-fruit popsicles (this counts right?)

Favorite post-run/race meal: Pancakes with fresh fruit, yogurt and powdered sugar

Role models: Bo Jackson, he was unstoppable in two different pro sports. 

Day job: At this moment, solely racing.  At some point I will be back to being a Massage Therapist again.

Solo runner, running partner or team/group? Solo runner though for adventure runs its always more fun to be with others.

Favorite Restaurant: Hmm…..no such thing for me, it all just depends on what I feel like eating.

Favorite Coffee Shop: I like all coffee shops

Favorite Bar:  I find myself at the local brewery most of the time

Favorite Running Store: Independence Run and Hike, Carbondale, CO

Favorite non-running activity: Skiing

Favorite TV Show: I don’t have a TV

Favorite book: I remember really liking the Count of Monte Cristo

Favorite movie: Braveheart (all time favorite that is)


Have you experienced a breakthrough?

I hope I am still waiting for my big breakthrough, the one as an athlete you dream of.  Though already I feel I have had many breakthroughs.  In fact almost every race is a breakthrough of some sort.

What was the best advice you were ever given?

One of the old classics ‘You can do anything you put your mind to’.

Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by?  That you train by?

Ha, so in my adult life, I had this friend who had a friend who’s Dad told him ‘If it hurts, don’t do it’.   At first I thought this was horrible advice for a kid, but then I made my own sense of it.  Though, the caveat for me with this being a motto is not to not do something but to make it not hurt.  I guess I am stretching the definition of motto with this answer.     

What keeps you motivated?  Where do you draw your inspiration from?

What keeps me motivated is the never ending potential to adventure more.  The better shape I am in the more that is possible.  

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