Exclusive Athlete Interview: Michael Aish


They say actions speak louder than words, and for Mike Aish, that statement couldn’t ring more true.  The Colorado Kiwi has let his accolades do the talking, including collegiate titles, big marathon wins, and most recently, a string of impressive finishes at the prestigious and historic Leadville Race Series.

If there’s one word you could describe Mike in, it’s probably “humble.”  Back in his college days at Western State College in Gunnison, Mike won twelve NCAA Division II National Titles, and then proceeded to “use most of them as firewood one night…making s’mores in the backyard.”  He ran for New Zealand in the 2000 Sydney Olympics in the 10,000m, and again in the 2004 Athens games in the 5,000m.  He’s topped podium after podium and turned to the ultrarunning scene, most notably – and his favorite – the Leadville Race Series.

Perhaps Mike’s underdog mentality and mantra of “hard work over talent” are what make him so good.  Or maybe it’s his lighthearted spirit and ability to make everyone feel like a champion.  Before toeing the line for the 2016 Leadville 100, he was asked what his favorite spot on the course was: “I love standing on the start line. There is some kind of magic about being up at 4 a.m. and being part of a group of idiots getting ready to run 100 miles.”

Read on to learn a little more about Mike and his affinity for hard work and sugar.

Quick Stats

Name: Michael Aish

Age: 40

Hometown & Current: New Plymouth, New Zealand / Golden, Colorado

Professional & Educational background: Professional Athlete / Fine Art

Sports participated in: Track, Road and Trail running

Years in current sport: 25 years

Sponsors/Affiliations: Mizuno, Vfuel

The Long Run

What are some of the biggest highlights in your racing career?

Walking in the opening ceremonies at two Olympic games.

Why Colorado?

I came over to Colorado from New Zealand to go to college just about 20 years ago. Since then I’ve fallen in love with small mountain-town living and all the adventures that the mountains have to offer.

Middle Distance

Take us through a “day in the life,” what type of training regimen do you follow?

6am – Wake up

7am –  Walk the dogs

8am – Training

Noon – Lunch and nap

3pm – Walk the dogs

5pm –  Training

7pm – Dinner

10pm – Bed

What are one or two things you currently do in your training that are keys to your success?

Routine, Balance and Recovery.

Do you follow any specific nutrition plans?

I try and eat a simple balanced diet, nothing crazy. I eat a lot of yogurt and a probably too much sugar.

What are your favorite races in Colorado?

The Leadville Race Series, because it always feels like a family event up there, from the event staff to the competitors.

Where do you like to train in Colorado?

I have a lot of great training spots around the state. I think my favorite two are in Golden and in the Gunnison Valley.


Favorite running shoe: Mizuno Wave Kazan

Favorite post-run/race beverage: 7/11 Slurpee

Favorite post-run/race meal: Breakfast Burrito

Role models: Nic Bideau

Day job: Athlete

Solo runner, running partner or team/group? These days I’m mostly solo, but always enjoy company when I can get it.

Favorite Restaurant: The Sherpa House in Golden

Favorite Running Store: San Francisco Running Company-my first love was of course my store, Run Colorado

Favorite non-running activity: Skateboading, MTB, snowboarding

Favorite TV Show: Justified

Favorite book: Under the Overpass

Favorite movie: Any Rocky movie (probably #3 or #4)


Have you experienced a breakthrough?

Yes, very hard training. Sometimes I think people set limits that are far below their real potential. I started training three times a day in college and pushed my limits as far as I could go to see what I could really do.

What was the best advice you were ever given?

Never compromise.

Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by?

Never be afraid to fail at doing something great.  

That you train by?

Never stop trying to better yourself.

What keeps you motivated?

I always like to have a goal to aim for and targets to hit.

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