Exclusive Athlete Interview: Junko Kazukawa


There’s a fire that burns deep inside Junko Kazukawa, but you probably wouldn’t realize it upon first glance.  Her small frame, spunky personality and humble nature are the perfect compliment to her fierce tenacity, incredible drive and appetite for challenges on and off the trail.

At the ripe age of 53, Junko is throwing down performances and racking up accomplishments that many younger runners can only dream of.  She finished 1st Leadwoman in the Leadville Race Series in 2014, and slayed the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning in 2015 as 1st female (the Grand Slam is a set of four of the most prestigious 100 mile races in the U.S.: Western States 100 in California, Vermont 100, Wasatch Front 100 in Utah, and the Leadville 100 in Colorado).

What’s possibly even more impressive is that Junko is a 2-time breast cancer survivor, and has leaned on running to get her through the rough times.  In 2009, she completed the NYC Marathon in 4:33 just 5 weeks after finishing chemotherapy; a little over a year later, in 2011, she would finish her first 100 mile race – the Leadville 100.

Junko is the epitome of a hero and role model.  Not only does she pursue and conquer her own goals and feats, but she does it with a smile while encouraging others along the way.  Read on to learn more about her journey from Japan to Colorado, affinity for coffee and noodle soup, and how her infectious positivity has helped her throughout life’s ups and downs.

Quick Stats

Name: Junko Kazukawa

Age: 53

Hometown & Current: Born and raised in Sapporo Japan, came to Denver, CO 28 years ago

Professional & Educational background:  M.A. in Kinesiology/Exercise Physiology.  I am currently a running coach, personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and Run Club Coordinator at Colorado Athletic Club Tabor, and do some consultant works for international fitness business.

Sports participated in: Basketball in Jr High, High school, Jr College in Japan.  1st marathon (road) was 16 years ago.  I am currently running the trail ultra distance (I still run marathons sometimes!!).

Years in current sport: I should say 16 years since 1st marathon distance

Racing Team:  Runner Roost Mountain Ultra Team

Sponsors/Affiliations: New Balance

The Long Run

What are some of the biggest highlights in your racing career?

  • 1st 100 mile Run 2011 Leadville 100 – after a year and half after my 2nd cancer with mastectomy and chemo, I raised $$ for charity to do my 1st 100 mile race, very emotional.
  • 2014 1st time Leadwoman finish with LT 100 Run PR – next step up challenge to my life that time.
  • 2015 Grandslam (1st female) and Leadwoman (3rd female) to finish in single season – I dedicated this challenge to 4 of my good friends who were suffering cancer, very emotional as well.
  • 2016 UTMB finish. Dream race, and hardest so far, but beautiful run. 

What are your long-term goals?  What do you want to achieve as an athlete?

  • I am 53 years old, I would like to keep running as long as I can…and I would love to see the beautiful places in the world by trail running, and I would be happy if I can inspire anyone who needs a little push by sharing my experience through challenges of my running, biking, or climbing mountains.
  • As a coach/trainer, I would love to help people accomplish their athletic goals!

Why Colorado?

I came to Colorado 28 years ago from Japan, and I love living here since then.  Colorado is now my home.  I love mountains, and the outdoor life style, great races, and great people.  Colorado has 4 seasons which just like Sapporo, Japan, where I am from.  I just love it here.

Middle Distance

Take us through a “day in the life,” what type of training regimen do you follow?

I do cross training during the week by resistance training, teaching interval/plyometrics types of classes, and spinning class. I usually run back to back on Saturday and Sunday depending on race season schedule.  I am active throughout the year by doing these types of training.  Getting into race season, I will make some plans for specific training.

What are one or two things you currently do in your training that are keys to your success?

  • Cross training so my old body can be trained efficiently!
  • Sufficient amount of rest and eating :) 

Do you follow any specific nutrition plans?

  • I usually focus on a balanced diet, eat different types of foods, cook my own most of the time
  • Coffee, Asian foods (noodle soup is great!) for recovery

Do you have any recommended resources to share?

Born to Run, Touching the Void, Runners World, Trail Runner

What is your biggest challenge?

My work schedule can be from 6am to 8 or 9pm. I may have some breaks here and there but it is a challenge to make a training plan.  I try to manage not to stress and do cross training by teaching classes.

What are your favorite races in Colorado?

The Leadville Race Series is my favorite. My first 100 was the Leadville 100, so I feel attached, and many of my friends and runners from community participated in it, so it feels like home and is fun.  If I have a chance to run Hardrock 100, I am sure it will be one of my  favorite races (I have not had a chance yet!!).

Where do you like to train in Colorado?

Green mountain, Matthew Winters, White Ranch, Leadville, and there are lots of 14-ers around here for training.


Favorite running shoe: New Balance 1210 Wide

Favorite post-run/race beverage: Coffee

Favorite post-run/race meal: Asian foods – especially soup or noodle soup 

Role models: My mom.  People who are positive, and do challenges in their life!

Day job:  Trainer/Coach/Instructor

Solo runner, running partner or team/group? I run solo a lot, but I run with a group as well.  Runners Roost Team, Colorado Athletic Club Run Club (I am CAC Run club coordinator as well)

Favorite Restaurant: Sushi Den, Lao Wang, Seoul, and many more!

Favorite Coffee Shop: INK/Starbucks…as long as they have good strong coffee

Favorite Bar:  I don’t drink. I have an allergic reaction to alcohol (Asian flush!)

Favorite Running Store: Runners Roost

Favorite non-running activity: Mountaineering, cooking, watching Japanese TV shows

Favorite TV Show: The Voice

Favorite book: Born to Run, Touching the Void, a few Japanese books

Favorite movie: Hard to pick…Rocky, Everest, Forrest Gump, Lord of the Rings, Lost in Translation, When Harry Met Sally, Dumb and Dumber, Last Samurai


Have you experienced a breakthrough?

The last couple of years, I feel like I had a breakthrough on my recovery.  I have been able to recover faster after hard race day.  I was able to do Grand Slam and Leadwoman in 2015, I could run UTMB and attempted climbing Mont Blanc with one day recovery.

What was the best advice you were ever given?

Slow down and pace at the beginning!

Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by?

Don’t give up, dig deep, be humble.

What keeps you motivated?

Because it is fun, and I am capable to do things I love to do. Life is short, why wait, why not!!

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