53-Year-Old Heidy Lozano Wins Colfax Marathon


Heidy Lozano was hoping to inspire older runners — and people who suffer from depression or anxiety — in the Colfax Marathon. She did it with a shocking win.

Heidy Lozano shed more than a few tears after winning the women’s Colfax Marathon at an age when many marathoners are beginning to wonder if it isn’t time to take up a less-challenging hobby.

“I’m 53! This is amazing,” said Lozano, who had never won a marathon before. “I thought I would never win a marathon, and I’m 53? Time was running out.”

It wasn’t the only admirable achievement in her running career. She won the masters division at the 2007 Boston Marathon ( 2:56:03). But to become a marathon winner at 53, that was special. Lozano finished in 3 hours, 10 minutes, 41 seconds.

“I did it for everybody that gives up on themselves because of age,” Lozano said. “This is a huge success for me. Wow.”

There was another population Lozano ran in hopes of inspiring. The Boulder resident works for a nonprofit, Mental Health Partners, which operates community mental health centers. She is passionate about her work, and that fueled the strong emotions she felt after crossing the finish line.

“I did it for all those people who battle all of that — depression, anxiety — because I feel like I have a gift that I am able to overcome,” Lozano said. “I just thought, ‘At 53, why not?’ So much of that is what’s in your mind, what you put in there, what you wake up with each day. I did it for them, to be an inspiration to never give up on yourself.”

The men’s marathon winner had to dig deep to avoid giving up. Patrick Rizzo was cruising along at a 5:30-mile pace until Mile 21, when he bonked and began cramping. That really shouldn’t have been a surprise, considering the Colorado Springs resident ran the Illinois Marathon on April 30, finishing fourth.

Read more: At Colfax Marathon, Boulder runner claims first marathon win — at age 53 | Denver Post

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