Exclusive Athlete Interview: Darcy Africa


If you’ve ever seen Darcy Africa out on the trails – whether it’s in a race or simply training in Boulder – you may find some of her training tactics hard to believe.

How does one fierce and talented ultrarunner win the prestigious Hardrock 100 two years in a row?  Or take top honors at three out of the four races in the Rocky Mountain Grand Slam of Ultrarunning while setting two new course records at the same time?  According to Darcy, one of her keys to success is meditation practice.  And surprisingly, she values quality runs over quantity.

Regardless of Darcy’s training tactics, there’s no doubt that she’s one of the top ultrarunning females on the circuit, just check out her mind-blowing result statistics on Ultra Signup.  She’s also a woman of few words.  Read on to find out how Darcy balances several jobs – including being a devoted mother – and training for some of the top trail, mountain and ultra events in the world.

Quick Stats

Name: Darcy Piceu–Africa

Age: 39

Hometown & Current: Bloomfield Hills, MI & Boulder, CO

Professional & Educational background: Master’s in Counseling Psychology  – Intervention Specialist at Boulder High,  AND Coach at UltraRunner Training

Sports participated in:  Trail Ultra Running, TeleSkiing, Yoga

Years in current sport: 13

Racing Team: HOKA One One, Smartwool, Ultraspire, & First Endurance

Sponsors/Affiliations:  HOKA One One, Smartwool, Ultraspire, First Endurance

The Long Run

What are some of the biggest highlights in your racing career?

In 2011 I ran the Rocky Mtn. slam in one summer (Bighorn 100, Hardrock 100, Leadville 100, The Bear 100) and placed 1st in 3 out of 4 and set 2 new course records.  Had the fastest overall time out of men and women.  Won the Hardrock 100 2 years in a row.  Placed 3rd at UTMB in France in 2010 and was the only American on the Podium.   Everest award winner in 2006/2007.

What are your long-term goals?  What do you want to achieve as an athlete?

Long term goals are to continue to love the sport more every year as I get older.  To be present in every race I do.  I see my running evolving into trying new adventures and doing more FKT’s or longer distance/multi-day trail routes.

Why Colorado?  What makes Colorado so special for endurance athletes?  What makes Colorado special to YOU?

I’ve been in Colorado since 1993.  I went to undergraduate school in Fort Collins and never left.  As a child my family grew up coming to Colorado for ski vacations and I have always been an avid skier.   In College I went on an Outward Bound course and found that in the mountains and in nature, I was my true self.  I lead courses for Outward Bound for 5 years, which grew my love of the Rocky Mtns.  In particular, the San Juans have a special place in my heart, which is why Hardrock keeps me coming back year after year.

Middle Distance

Take us through a “day in the life,” what type of training regimen do you follow?

Whoa….I have a few jobs (High School Interventionist/Coach/Mom/Ultrarunner), a daughter, and I try to train when I can.  I get my training in whenever possible.  Every day is a little different.  I try to run longer (maybe 5-6 hrs) on a weekend day and during the week I run longer on Wed. (3-4 hrs)   The other days, I run either early in the AM (1 day I try to add in some speed work) or after work.  I also try to incorporate yoga 1-2 times per week to balance out my training.  I also consider my meditation/sitting practice to be a part of my training.  I try to sit for at least 20 min per day.

What are one or two things you currently do in your training that are keys to your success?

1-Choosing quality over quantity/not overtraining. 2- meditation practice

Do you follow any specific nutrition plans?  What are you favorite recovery meals, drinks, etc.?

Favorite recovery drink = Ultragen from First Endurance

I have been mostly a vegetarian for 20 years.  Currently I’d call myself a ‘pescetarian’ since I eat fish.  I try to eat lots of veggies, fruit, and healthy grains as well.

Do you have any recommended resources to share (books, seminars, websites, coaches)?

UltraRunner Training.com  for coaching

Book: “Running with the mind of Meditation” by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche

What is your biggest challenge, and what do you do to manage this challenge?

My biggest challenge now is that with work and being a Mom, training tends to take a back seat.  I do what I can, but sometimes it’s exhausting.  Sleep is important!

What are your favorite races in Colorado?

The Hardrock 100 – because I love the San Juans and the community of people that gathers there every year for the race.

Where do you like to train in Colorado?

In Boulder where I live b/c it’s convenient.  In the summer I love heading up to the Indian Peaks which are the closest real mountains to Boulder.  I also love the Snowmass Wilderness near Aspen/Crested Butte (ie: the 4 pass loop)


Favorite running shoe:  Hoka One One Kailua Trail shoe

Favorite post-run/race beverage: Ultragen Orange Creamsicle flavor (First Endurance)

Favorite post-run/race meal:  A Veggie Burrito with chips and Guac

Day job: Interventionist at Boulder High, Coach, and Mom

Solo runner, running partner or team/group?  I’ve mostly run solo throughout the years, but recently I am enjoying running with friends.

Favorite Restaurant:  Sushi Tora in Boulder OR JAX fish house in Boulder

Favorite Coffee Shop:  I don’t have much time to spend in the coffee shops….the most convenient for me is Amante in N Boulder

Favorite Bar: The Kitchen Upstairs OR OAK

Favorite Running Store:  Boulder Running Company

Favorite non-running activity: Tele Skiing

Favorite TV Show:  The Bachelor and Modern Family

Favorite book:  “Wild” by:Cheryl Strayed  OR Any Pema Chodron book

Favorite movie:  Too many to name.  I love cheesy romantic comedies.


What was the best advice you were ever given?

Run your own race.

What keeps you motivated?  Where do you draw your inspiration from?

LOVE.  I draw inspiration from the mountains and from being in the present moment (esp. with my daughter)

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