Exclusive Athlete Interview: Coda Coffee Brothers Tim & Tommy Thwaites


Brothers Tim and Tommy Thwaites have been brewing coffee for almost two decades.  The co-founders of Denver-based Coda Coffee saw their hard work pay off this year as the company won the highest honor in the coffee industry: Roasters of the Year.

What’s more, they both use their same passion for coffee-making and take it to the roads and the trails.  Both Tim and Tommy Thwaites are avid runners and outdoors men.  Read on to find out how coffee (and beer!) drive these two to running success.

Quick Stats

Name: Tim and Tommy Thwaites 

(Tim) Age: 33

(Tommy) Age: 37

Hometown & Current: Sumner, WA & Denver, CO (Tim) Littleton, CO (Tommy)

Professional & Educational background:

(Tim) Been in Coffee for 17 years, bachelor’s degree in aviation management

(Tommy) B.S. Physics The Evergreen State College Olympia, WA / 18 years in the coffee industry

Sports participated in:

(Tim) Love football, soccer, snow skiing, hiking/backpacking, running

(Tommy) Golf, football, soccer, wrestling, climbing, running

Years in current sport:

(Tim) Been skiing all my life, been running for 7 years

The Long Run

What are some of the biggest highlights in your racing career?

(Tim) I finished my first 50K at the Bear Chase trail race this year! It’s a one tough run especially for a huskier runner like me. It was a great course, and a great race! David Manthey can really put them together. First marathon was awesome to finally finish. It was the Boulder Backroads. That is also a beautiful race. They did unfortunately run out of water on the course, which added a certain element of difficulty to my first marathon. 

Tim Pouring Coffee
Tim Pouring Coffee

(Tommy) Neither “Racing” nor “career” are words I would use to describe any of my running highlights. I’m more of a weekend warrior with a passion for running. With a family and small business, running has become a time to think and process, a time to explore both the outside world and the thoughts in my head at a slowed down manageable pace. With plenty of thoughts and lots of trails I’ve enjoyed pushing my limits pursuing further and further distances. This led to my first ultra in April 2010, a 50 miler in Fruita, CO. 

Tommy Cupping
Tommy Cupping

What are your long-term goals?  What do you want to achieve as an athlete?

(Tim) First and foremost I want to be healthy and happy. My dad has heart disease and is ok but has had to make sacrifices in his life. I want to be able to give everything I can to my kids and to make sure I’m there for them when they need me as long as possible.

(Tommy) Ultimately I would love to run Leadville in under 24 hours, however, crossing the finish line of any 100 miler is a goal I hope to achieve in the next few years.

Why Colorado?  What makes Colorado so special for endurance athletes?  What makes Colorado special to YOU?

(Tim) I enjoy Colorado because I enjoy the outdoors. There is so much to see here. Obviously the weather is very conducive to running and outdoor activities in general. Colorado is a hot bed for endurance athletes because of the altitude.

(Tommy) Great trails and lots of sunshine.

Middle Distance

Take us through a “day in the life,” what type of training regimen do you follow?

(Tim) When I am not training for a race, I wake up and report to Camp Gladiator every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:30 am. Ride my bike six miles to work. Try and fit in two runs at some point during the week between 6-10 miles. If I am training for a race, I run three times per week typically seven miles, 10 miles, and around 20 miles and try to fit in one camp gladiator session.


1) Wake up.

2) Drink Coda Coffee.

3) Dominate.

What are one or two things you currently do in your training that are keys to your success?

(Tim) I would not call any of my runs a “success” more like just a “finish.” Knowing there is beer at the finish line is key to my finish. One cup of coffee will definitely improve my short-run times.

(Tommy) Drink lots of Coda Coffee.

Do you follow any specific nutrition plans?  What are you favorite recovery meals, drinks, etc.?

(Tim) Coffee + plant powered diet for lunch + pretty much anything for dinner.

(Tommy) Nope. I love a cold Double I.P.A. after a long run.

Do you have any recommended resources to share (books, seminars, websites, coaches)?

(Tim) I LOVE listening to audiobooks while running. This is the only way I can get through a 20-plus-mile run. I started out with non-fiction, motivational autobiographies, and now mix in some fiction too. Ed Viesturs No Short Cut to the Top was AMAZING! I also love Born to Run, Loan Survivor, and a lot of the Star Wars Series.

(Tommy) Colorado Runner kicks ass! 

What is your biggest challenge, and what do you do to manage this challenge?

(Tim) Over-eating, running.

(Tommy) My biggest challenge as with many runners is finding time to train. I’m not a big morning runner and the bulk of the day is already taken. A few years back I started running at night and have found it to be pretty relaxing. The trails and roads are less crowded, it’s peaceful, and it allows for some unwinding and thought on the day’s events.

What are your favorite races in Colorado?

(Tim) The Great Candy Run (used to be Fetal Hopes Race for Hope) because it’s close to my heart and Lonnie Sommers is an awesome guy who helps a lot of people. The winter distance series is great. Bear Chase Trail Race is great. There are so many runs that I enjoy.

(Tommy) Bear Chase. It was my first 50k and I love that area.

Where do you like to train in Colorado?

(Tim) To and from work. It’s a time saver because I’m replacing my commute with a run, which I think is key to training for a nonprofessional athlete. And it is a pretty run from the Highlands down the Platte River to 58th Ave.

(Tommy) Green Mountain Preserve is definitely my favorite place to run. Great terrain and it connects to tons of other trail systems so keeping the scenery fresh is easy.


Favorite running shoe:

(Tim) Brooks Trance

(Tommy) Altra Lone Peak

Favorite post-run/race beverage:

(Tim) Coda Coffee of course! Beer is a very close second.

(Tommy) Coffee and Beer (currently on an I.P.A. kick).

Favorite post-run/race meal:

(Tim) Mexican food

(Tommy) Korean BBQ

Role models:

(Tim) Ed Viesturs, Rich Roll, My Wife

(Tommy) My Parents.  They are great people. 

Day job:

(Tim & Tommy) Roasting amazing coffee – Coda Coffee

Solo runner, running partner or team/group?

(Tim & Tommy) Solo runner

Favorite Restaurant:

(Tim) Il Posto

(Tommy) Wild Ginger, Littleton, CO

Favorite Coffee Shop:

(Tim) Café Zuri in Highlands

(Tommy) I’m a little picky so I love making my own coffee either at home or the office.

Favorite Bar:

(Tim) Lakeview Lounge!

(Tommy) Jake’s in old town Littleton

Favorite Running Store:

(Tim & Tommy) Runners Roost

Favorite non-running activity:

(Tim) Shreddin’ Some Gnar! (Snow Skiing)

(Tommy) Fishing

Favorite TV Show:

(Tim) Pro Football

(Tommy) Dual Survivor

Favorite book:

(Tim) No Short Cuts to the Top by Ed Viesturs

(Tommy) Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Favorite movie:

(Tim) James Bond Series

(Tommy) Happy Gilmore


Have you experienced a breakthrough, and if so, what led to it?

(Tim) Being an amateur, I haven’t put as much of my heart and soul into training programs as I should have. This year I was very diligent about training for my 50K, I knew I had to be to finish, and it paid off. I felt great.

(Tommy) Yes. I found that if I take my timing chip and sneak it on the back of someone who looks much faster than me my race times have greatly improved.

What was the best advice you were ever given?

(Tim) Don’t fart in a tornado

(Tommy) Don’t quite your day job

What keeps you motivated?  Where do you draw your inspiration from?

(Tim) My waistline, and my kids.

(Tommy) Fortunately I really enjoy running. For me, motivation has never been a problem and my inspiration comes from knowing there is always a longer race to run and new trails to explore.

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