Issue 19 (September/October 2006)


untitledRunning your first marathon can be challenging. You have to slog through arduous hours of training and keep a commitment no matter what curves life throws your way. But here’s good news. If you’ve signed up for a fall marathon because you love to run and the sport brings you personal satisfaction, it’s likely that you’ll stick with your training schedule and see the finish line soon. However, if you’re hoping to run a marathon so you can lose weight or brag about it to a coworker, you probably won’t stick with it.

These were the findings of a recent study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting in Denver. The study tracked more than 100 first-time runners. Only 31 completed a 10-week training program and finished the marathon they had registered for, while 75 dropped out. Those that had superficial reasons for wanting to run were the most likely to quit.

I registered for my first marathon because of peer pressure. I was training with a group of guys that liked to run marathons. It was all they ever talked about, so I finally caved and signed up for one. Now I’ve completed 46 marathons, so I guess I got hooked just like they did. But I love to run and that’s what keeps me looking for new exercise challenges to keep myself motivated.

My wife says she registered for her first marathon because she wanted the inner glory. She had finished several half marathons and wanted to see if she had what it takes to push through 26.2 grueling miles. She had two training buddies that also committed to running a marathon, but both bailed on her before the big day. She says that having training partners, even if they quit early, helped her make it to the finish line. And it helped that she was already registered!

Good luck if you’re running a marathon in the next few months, whether it’s your first or your fifteenth!

For more news from the American College of Sports Medicine, turn to page 16.

Happy Trails!

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