ChampionChip of the Rockies


ChampionChip of the Rockies, previously known as CSB Services Inc., has been computerizing finish lines, timing and results since 1982. We provide the timing equipment for both the finish line itself and the “results area”. We bring our years of experience with computers to the outdoors in a seamless combination of sport and technology.

We started out doing “tag” races – scoring races utilizing “open chutes” (also know as the “toll booth” method). We computerized events from small (less than 100 participants) runs all the way up to 13,000+ participant events with multiple races, wave starts and/or multiple finish lines.

The use of chip technology means that we can score your race with a smoother “look & feel” to the finish line. Finish chutes have been eliminated, so your finish area is much more open – great for event photographers!

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